Overview of the Open Space event on 16th December

Over 25 people, local Residents, staff of Lambeth First and local agencies came together on 16th December at High Trees Community Centre to address the following question: "How can we work together for the benefit of our neighbourhood?"
More event photos (with people)
More event photos (with workshop notes)
These are the sessions that people posted

Click here to see close-ups
Some of the sessions were combined, as participants saw connecting threads. Sessions that took place were all photographed and written up. Click below to have a look! Feel free to comment on them, post updates and to connect with others in the sessions who shared their contact details with you.
How can we make Tulse Hill happy?
Communication between older and younger, activities for young and vulnerable
What is Tulse Hill -- working with the system
Women-only forum
How can we make Tulse Hill more self-sufficient?
Influencing funding at the neighbourhood level
How do we involve wider community, time banks, neighbour-neighbour support
"What will you take away from today?" Some Participant comments:
"change with smile of enthusiasm"
"motivation to help solve problems with youth"
"positive active community"
"think small! community spirit - scaffolding is needed to build the connections that will build the community"
meet whole local of new neigbours 0 really good stuff"
"not just what you know its who you know"
"hope that we can work together"
"thoughts, ideas"
"fact of being more proactive"
"whenever we do things, people come. Glad I came"
"using opportunities"
"the thought that when things go bad, we need to go back to basics"