What is Tulse Hill -- working with the system

Name of Session: What is Tulse Hill? How do we work with the system (for the benefit of Tulse Hill)?
Time: 11:30
Where: Breakout Space 4
Who was there: Wai Ma, Jacqueline, Pamela, Erica
The Session Host: Pamela + Erica
Key Points:
* Are CRBs always necessary?
* Getting to know the person
* Lots (of) small projects (in order to) reach more people
* (Need to understand how to) exploit and manipulate the system (for local benefit).
* (Find a) more collective way of doing it.
* (Need to deal with) The system categories which excludes so much (of) the people.
* (Inappropriate) Labels + Boundaries stop people working with community
* Use the carrot (incentives) - Gardening, Skiing etc.
* Pam will lead on finding ways to engage people that doesn't put vulnerable people at risk. She'll work with the Safer Neighbourhood Team, local businesses and established providers. Needed resources are (appropriate) public spaces, effective ideas for advertising (getting the message out). Will do this over the next three months finishing in March.
* Erica and Jacqueline will lead in using CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and corporate volunteering to get more people involved by using carrots and rewards to (encourage) them to come to (community) events. (Don't) call them meetings. Need some giveaways for (those taking part in) soft activities, think Orange RockCorps. More organisations need to have Volunteer(/Community) Days, and there need to be clear Volunteer Rewards. Will investigate over next three months finishing in March.
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