Communication between older and younger people + activities for young

Name of Session: Activities for Young Kids/Diversions for the Vulnerable
Time: 11:30
Where: Breakout Space 7
Who was there: Gerald, Nina, Verona, Margaret, Mark, Angela, Aysev Ismail, Sofia, Matt
The Session Host: Gerald
Key Points:
* lack of support at home
* falling in with wrong crowd
* lack of guidance
* offer information "kids do not know what to do"
* external opportunities - music, -----, other
* communication breakdown (between) older and younger generations (mentoring schemes, peer 'friend' into school)
* facilities & premises
* ongoing support (scheme)
* Offer:
- parenting classes
- family relationships
+ personal identity
+ confidence building
* life-related activities
* Margaret + Mark will work together to formulate an action plan to address lack of support at home, falling in with antisocial crowd, lack of guidance. This will include discussions around funding and investigating the feasibility of offering parenting classes.
* Gerald Slater, Margaret & Mark will engage to define the needs and what support is needed. Collaborate around offering mentor(ing) schemes, field trips and appropriate activities (not just music), and finally career inspiration.
* Matt Skinner and Aysev Ismail will be looking into how to foster intergenerational dialogue and will identify key respected people in the borough to inspire others to take part by taking the lead themselves.
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