How do we involve wider community, time banks, neighbor-neighbor support

Name of Session: How do we increase neighbour to neighbour contact & neighbourhood involvement?
Time: 12:00
Where: Breakout Space 5
Who was there: Jacqueline, Erica, Adam, Andrea, Mamading
The Session Host: Erica & Adam
Key Points:
* Progression from organised networks to informal individual driven activities
* Dissemination of information: website, regular "soft" activities led by Timebank members, social events, try new means of engagement - if it works, great! If not, move on.
* Reciprocity: e.g. Timebank - build credits, increase neighbourhood contact, incentivise e.g. Timebank credits accrued (were used) for trip to America.
* Community involvement - encourage & empower people to lead sessions and undertake training.
* People are more engaged if they take ownership
* How to reach "hard to reach" people - GP surgery(?) - Needs innovation
* Make use of existing services - utilise community anchors & organisations
* (Investigate) Reasons why neighbour to neighbour contact has declined not (create) "artificial neighbours".
* Activate (recognising and working with existing) catalysts & community champions and assets.
* Require some degree of infrastructure to encourage participation
* Provide "(community) scaffolding" for neighbourhood activities (by providing simple, easy and accessible opportunities for people to come together in a light, fun way)
* (e.g.) "Show & Learn" sessions - encourage people to demonstrate what they are good at.
* Erica will lead on organising and facilitating soft activities for engagement: (e.g.) sharing talents, showcasing individual skills & develop relationships. These activities will utilise existing services & facilities, (and will be designed to enable local people to) take ownership. Will need to link into existing groups and provision, a venue and enthusiastic "facilitators" from within community.
* Adam will lead on learning what small pots of funding are available & how to best deliver on a shoestring.
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