Influencing funding/decision-making to access resources at the neighbourhood level

Name of Session: Influencing funding/decision making to access resources at a neighbourhood level
Time: 11:30
Where: Breakout Space 5
Who was there: Margaret, Adreana/Andrea(?), Angus, Tim, Nick, Matt
The Session Host: Angus
Key Points:
* Can we increase the ward purse + do participatory budgeting
* Co-op Council is still unclear - we feel a little cut off from the work.
* What does neighbourhood working look (like) and how can it be funded?
* Why must we rely on volunteers when we are a rich nation + can pay people.
* Residents can bring wisdom + local knowledge but make miss the wider picture ie on environmental issues
* How can we overcome too much red tape + bureaucracy?
* Nick will explore different means of communicating funding opportunities before April and will work with CVS (Council for Voluntary Service), commissioners of services, emerging hubs/portals on this.
* Nick will investigate brokerage of providers to join up services before April, engaging with both commissioners and providers.
* Matt will looking to how to utilise (spare) office space with social enterprises in Borough and sharing of resources through a timebanking model. Info/training/resources. This will be done in Jan/Feb, needs social enterprises to buy in to this initiative, so Matt will look to engage with social enterprises and local businesses.
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