Can we make Tulse Hill more self-sufficient?

Name of Session: How can we make Tulse Hill more self-sufficient/sustainable?
Time: 12:00
Where: Breakout Space 3
Who was there: Sarah, Pamela, Margaret, Louise
The Session Host: Pamela
Key Points:
* Setting up Social Enterprise?
* Time Banking
* Walking Groups
* To Be Done: thinking about bike service delivering goods from market
* High Trees - possible point for delivery/collection.
* Wifi Cafe @ St Martin's Learning Centre
* Pamela will be leading on the following initiatives: food and growing, community wi-fi, entertainment, community food shopping, ethnic food delivery service as a social enterprise, walking group. She'll need help in connecting with and cross pollinating with other groups and activities that are already established and could benefit from working alongside or part of the initiatives. Need to engage with Transition Town Brixton re: food delivery, liaise with High Trees, work with and/or learn from (Clapham Park?) Time Bank.
* Margaret will act as liaison between High Trees and Transition Town Brixton.
* Margaret will look into feasibility of setting up a wifi cafe at St. Martins Learning Centre
* Pamela will work with High Trees and Transition Town Brixton into starting a local cake making and baking project.
* Need ways to bring in funds and (better) disseminate information.
* Reducing (need for) bus journeys up and down Tulse Hill.
* Bric a Brac sale at community centre.
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