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Can we make Tulse Hill more self-sufficient?


Name of Session: How can we make Tulse Hill more self-sufficient/sustainable?
Time: 12:00
Where: Breakout Space 3
Who was there: Sarah, Pamela, Margaret, Louise
The Session Host: Pamela

Key Points:
* Setting up Social Enterprise?
* Time Banking
* Walking Groups
* To Be Done: thinking about bike service delivering goods from market
* High Trees - possible point for delivery/collection.
* Wifi Cafe @ St Martin's Learning Centre

* Pamela will be leading on the following initiatives: food and growing, community wi-fi, entertainment, community food shopping, ethnic food delivery service as a social enterprise, walking group. She'll need help in connecting with and cross pollinating with other groups and activities that are already established and could benefit from working alongside or part of the initiatives. Need to engage with Transition Town Brixton re: food delivery, liaise with High Trees, work with and/or learn from (Clapham Park?) Time Bank.
* Margaret will act as liaison between High Trees and Transition Town Brixton.
* Margaret will look into feasibility of setting up a wifi cafe at St. Martins Learning Centre
* Pamela will work with High Trees and Transition Town Brixton into starting a local cake making and baking project.
* Need ways to bring in funds and (better) disseminate information.
* Reducing (need for) bus journeys up and down Tulse Hill.
* Bric a Brac sale at community centre.

Influencing funding/decision-making to access resources at the neighbourhood level


Name of Session: Influencing funding/decision making to access resources at a neighbourhood level
Time: 11:30
Where: Breakout Space 5
Who was there: Margaret, Adreana/Andrea(?), Angus, Tim, Nick, Matt
The Session Host: Angus

Key Points:
* Can we increase the ward purse + do participatory budgeting
* Co-op Council is still unclear - we feel a little cut off from the work.
* What does neighbourhood working look (like) and how can it be funded?
* Why must we rely on volunteers when we are a rich nation + can pay people.
* Residents can bring wisdom + local knowledge but make miss the wider picture ie on environmental issues
* How can we overcome too much red tape + bureaucracy?

* Nick will explore different means of communicating funding opportunities before April and will work with CVS (Council for Voluntary Service), commissioners of services, emerging hubs/portals on this.
* Nick will investigate brokerage of providers to join up services before April, engaging with both commissioners and providers.
* Matt will looking to how to utilise (spare) office space with social enterprises in Borough and sharing of resources through a timebanking model. Info/training/resources. This will be done in Jan/Feb, needs social enterprises to buy in to this initiative, so Matt will look to engage with social enterprises and local businesses.

How do we involve wider community, time banks, neighbor-neighbor support


Name of Session: How do we increase neighbour to neighbour contact & neighbourhood involvement?
Time: 12:00
Where: Breakout Space 5
Who was there: Jacqueline, Erica, Adam, Andrea, Mamading
The Session Host: Erica & Adam

Key Points:
* Progression from organised networks to informal individual driven activities
* Dissemination of information: website, regular "soft" activities led by Timebank members, social events, try new means of engagement - if it works, great! If not, move on.
* Reciprocity: e.g. Timebank - build credits, increase neighbourhood contact, incentivise e.g. Timebank credits accrued (were used) for trip to America.
* Community involvement - encourage & empower people to lead sessions and undertake training.
* People are more engaged if they take ownership
* How to reach "hard to reach" people - GP surgery(?) - Needs innovation
* Make use of existing services - utilise community anchors & organisations
* (Investigate) Reasons why neighbour to neighbour contact has declined not (create) "artificial neighbours".
* Activate (recognising and working with existing) catalysts & community champions and assets.
* Require some degree of infrastructure to encourage participation
* Provide "(community) scaffolding" for neighbourhood activities (by providing simple, easy and accessible opportunities for people to come together in a light, fun way)
* (e.g.) "Show & Learn" sessions - encourage people to demonstrate what they are good at.

* Erica will lead on organising and facilitating soft activities for engagement: (e.g.) sharing talents, showcasing individual skills & develop relationships. These activities will utilise existing services & facilities, (and will be designed to enable local people to) take ownership. Will need to link into existing groups and provision, a venue and enthusiastic "facilitators" from within community.
* Adam will lead on learning what small pots of funding are available & how to best deliver on a shoestring.


The Matrix of Sessions

Close-up shots below:
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