What happened at the event "Let's Make Our Neighbourhood Better"?

There was a fantastic turnout when local people gathered to "make our neighbourhood better" on 16th May at All Saints Church, Lyham Road in Clapham Park.
Over 50 people came! Great conversations were had and participants came up with over 45 different ideas, all listed in detail further below!"

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What do *I* care about? 1st conversation round
We answered this question in small groups of 4 people around 9 tables in total. Here is an example of what people care about: (click photo to enlarge output sheet)

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What do *WE* care about? 2nd conversation round
Here is an example of what people came up with: (click photo to enlarge output sheet)

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What am *I* willing to do? 3rd conversation round
Here is an example of what people are willing to do: (click photo to enlarge output sheet)

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Ideas Ideas Ideas!
Each idea was posted on a "dotmocracy" sheet. See the example below!

Closing comments from participants
"Interesting -> co-create solutions"
"Renewed Aspirations"
"Lots of work to do together, we all achieve more."
"Clapham Park Food Bank - Referral system, vouchers, contact Lydia 0208 675 7661 for more info."
Reader Comments