Announcing Social Startup Labs Episode 1: What Election?

Will the General Election of May 2010 change anything that really matters? We don't know, London Creative Labs is not a political party and it doesn't have a manifesto. If it did have a manifesto, it would not contain policies, instead it would contain questions because unlike politicians we don't have an answer for everything! Those questions would be as follows:
How can we create more jobs and other forms of work in London, especially Lambeth?
How can businesses providing the work become sustainable in terms of profit, people and planet?
How can we create and/or transform industries, markets and sectors through disruptive social innovation & business model innovation?
How can we best harness the full potential of everyone to not only design and deliver the new products, services and enterprises that result but also to ensure sustained productivity growth?
How can the third sector become radically more effective in bringing about real change and lose its dependency on donations and grants?
How can we transform social issues into business opportunities and unhappy benefit recipients into happy productive citizens?
How can we unleash the true power of collaboration in our workplaces, communties and homes to achieve truly great things together?
If you find one or more of the above questions, more intriguing, exciting, challenging or compelling than anything you've seen in a political manifesto, London Creative Labs would like to extend an invitation to you!
We don't want your vote, we want your mind and your body! Come join us at the Social Startup Labs, a transformative carnival of collaboration where we together will discover, share, invent and celebrate the answers to these questions and more!
WARNING: If you aren't open to exploring new ways of working, playing, thinking and living, this is not for you! We are also definitely not ideologically sound!
The first Social Startup Labs is on June the 15th in Vauxhall, South London. If you want to join us there please sign up.
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