21 committed local people gathered on Wed 16th Feb for two hours to see if any new solutions could be brought to bear to address the needs of the Loughborough Junction neighbourhood in Lambeth, South London. Some of them had attended the previous event, others had come for the first time.

The event ran from 6 to 8.30pm
"Reassured that a healthy nucleus of concerned people exists in L. J. area".
"A sense of community"
The first round
In the first round we looked at simply generating more potential solutions. Participants had the newsletter at hand with the full list of all solutions from the first event, in bullet points, both as a reference point and a reminder.

Here is an example of an output sheet from the fist round.
Your data:
Click here to see the digital list of all Round 1 Solutions
Solutions Selected for Further Discussion
Each group then selected one topic for further discussion. Here are the titles that people selcted to go further with this evening.
Rounds 2 and 3
We then looked at what could be done, by who, and with which resources over two further rounds of conversations in small groups. Here is an example of the output produced:
Your data:
Click here to see the digital list of all Round 2 Solutions
Further Questions
Some groups wanted to take some further questions forward, which addressed issues like financial sustainability of the potential solution. Here is an example of the outcomes.
Your data:
Cick here to see the full set of photos for the event
Click here to see the digital list of all Round 3 Solutions
Bringing it all together

In the final twenty minutes, we shared outcomes from our tables to the whole group.
What happens now
A report will be produced by the end of February. All those who attended the event and gave their email addresses will be informed. If you did not attend or did not give us your email please and would like to be informed as to when the formal event output is available, please
contact us here.