One Year On — Reflections and Next Steps!

Where on earth are we? Last year we finally finished the write up of all our reports. See the results here
It worked!
One year on, we are reflecting on what we did. Of critical importance, we had put our theories to the test. Most crucially we proved our change hypothesis. [LINK TO VIDEO] We are delighted to say it worked. We now have direct experience that when you properly empower people and communities to participate in an economy, they will do so with flying colours. Thank You We THANK EVERYONE who has been part of this thrilling mission-driven adventure: both the core team and the wider network. Looking at the huge list of people here who have contributed in some way always gives us such a feeling of warmth.
Future Possibilities
To see what we believe is possible to build on these foundations, please see our Road Map. [LINK] If you feel you are the right partner to take this forward with us please get in touch. Our visions are intact and would be happy to share them. Meanwhile, we hope that the ideas and resources on this site inspire people to do similar things.
Evolution of the idea, Being authentic
Last year, as the the dust has settled, we considered how we could improve on what we did. We took a very deep dive. What know that what happened was amazing but it did take a lot out of us. A key value that we have is authenticity. We need to walk our talk. As system entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, we knew that something was missing. It needed to be addressed before taking our work to the next level. We took time to regroup our resources before rushing to the next stage, looking to see where there is room for improvement for our core mission. Ultimately we are about transformation of people and communities. Our question was, how could this be done, but without such a cost to the people making it happen. This is not just about money, it goes way beyond that. We have started to write about this and this will appear in various places. We will keep you posted through this site about that. [Look out for our contribution to a wonderful book on making a difference and thriving later this year].
Finding gold!
In our search, we feel we stumbled on some gold. A big new insight which has led to a whole new direction. We have decided to give this its own time as we believe it merits it. Ultimately everything will integrate into our core mission.
Follow us
So feel free to follow us there too at Raising Your Game and its twin Game The Work . You can also read more of our personal journeys here: from Sofia and Mamading .
What does it mean going forward for LCL?
The core ideas have not changed. We are simply adding more possibilities. As we stumble on new ideas we will test them. This current test is so mighty (we believe) that we are giving it its own space.
Activities: We will until further notice be putting our own LCL programmes on hold. We will still be active on certain projects, contributing to ideas and activities in the community. As usual, we look forward to bumping into you!
News:That which is relevant to the LCL mission will go out through our newsletter. Our blog will announce any changes to LCL as and when they happen. As and when the timing is right, we will integrate our new learnings and take things to the next stage. Our students are still our students if they choose to be and we will be sharing our discoveries through to all our LCL friends that feel relevant to LCL and what it stands for. If you want to keep abreast please sign up here [link to subscribe to LCL newsletter]
Resources: We will move more of our materials and intellectual capital into the public domain as we feel it can inspire and help others. This is a gradual project in its own right, so will take a bit of time. Volunteers who are able to assist with this would be very welcome.
Governance: We would like to gradually change LCL into a community driven organisation. This kind of process takes time. If you are interested please get in touch.
Structure: We always believed in minimal structures. We think the current one of Registered Charity is not quite right for what LCL stands for. We will pick the right structure going forward so watch this space.
Thank you: To everyone who has been part of this rich, incredible, life-changing journey.We could not have done this without you! Look forward to taking the next steps with you.